Let’s talk about flickr. Look at me, typing as if I have an audience…
I’ve inherited a pro account as a result of having a BT[internet/Yahoo!/openworld/broadband] account, which is fairly nifty. It gives me ‘unlimited’ storage, but I’m not entirely sure how to use it. Do I upload ALL of my photos? Even as a backup? Sure, why not. I can’t be bothered to sift through them all and pick the best composed shot out of five from three years ago. Yep, teenage laziness strikes again. There are some good ones in there, real gems (even if I do say so myself) but you’ll probably be seeing mostly trash via the widget on your right. Shame. Feel free to have a look and comment, and suggest for deletion, if you can be bothered with judging blurriness. Outsourcing – that’s the future.