I’ve got to keep this up-to-date, but I’ve been busy. I’m definitely having to think about the future, but let’s have some highlights from the gap in my blog updates…
Well, school’s over for me, in the sense that I have no more timetabled lessons. I haven’t been able to celebrate the descent into freedom, as I’ve had rather more urgent matters in my Drama practical exam and French & Spanish orals, but they’re over now, too.
I compèred and performed at my final RGS Charity Gig, oddly enough I wasn’t sentimental enough at the time, but I didn’t realise how fun that all was. I organised it with George Badham again this year and we managed to raise over £1500 in net profit, all for charity. Cor, think about what I could make privately…
The band’s ticking over – I think we’re all resigned to university tearing our plans down. The odd gig here and there, the odd bit of post-production by me. [Got Facebook? Become a fan.]
I went to Fabric for the first time, got messy and had fun. The place even has a vibrating floor in one of the rooms. I’m definitely catching the train from RHUL up to there quite a lot. However, I’ve actually got to meet my ABB offer from them, first. Better get revising, then. Hmm.
Oh, I passed my driving test and now have a used black Fiat Grande Punto (1.2 Active, for those interested), called Fifi (I like this bad boy.).