I remember when I was at school, if I didn’t go out on a Saturday, I’d be in a bad mood. Saturday was the only day I could go out without worrying about what work I had to do – and without being knackered from the week. No after-school commitments to worry about. I can’t quite believe I forced myself …
November Has Come
I had to update my Facebook Info section just to keep track of what I’m doing. Blimey. Aren’t I a productive little chap? Well, I’m sitting in an empty flat. In my dressing gown. All seven other residents have gone home for the weekend, and I’m trying to work out whether I should be going home or finding something more …
Storm and Stress
I sincerely hope you’re all up-to-date with my Summer so far. I don’t need to tell you how it went by using clichés like “life-changing”, but I’ve certainly returned with a different perspective. Not necessarily a good one, mind. Nevertheless, I’m glad I went. Enough. Other news? My camera had a black mark on the sensor, spoiling some of my …
Future Sound Of London
I’ve got to keep this up-to-date, but I’ve been busy. I’m definitely having to think about the future, but let’s have some highlights from the gap in my blog updates… Well, school’s over for me, in the sense that I have no more timetabled lessons. I haven’t been able to celebrate the descent into freedom, as I’ve had rather more …
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