This was originally submitted to Roy Greenslade as part of my MA assessment in Journalism & Society (a module on media history, structure and ethics). Jake Lynch believes that the media’s coverage of conflict fuels further violence and makes peaceful resolution harder to achieve. To that end he argues that journalists should adopt a “peace journalism” approach in order to …
Should the News of the World hacking scandal and Rupert Murdoch’s BSkyB takeover bid have been connected?
This was originally submitted to Roy Greenslade as part of my MA assessment in Journalism & Society (a module on media history, structure and ethics). Through News Corporation, Rupert Murdoch is the world’s leading newspaper proprietor. His company is also the largest pay TV owner and stood to grow larger still if its bid for BSkyB had been approved. That …
Tomorrow: don’t go out before you’ve read the paper (I’ll let you read it online)
This was originally posted on August 19th 2010, in the Tomorrow’s News, Tomorrow’s Journalists blog-ring after I was asked to contribute to’s August Debate. As I sit in my dressing-gown at my laptop at midday, with umpteen tabs open in Firefox, I often find myself the brunt of my housemates’ ridicule. Who am I? Am I some sort of …
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