With 20,000 words left to write for April 26th and having just handed in my dissertation about six hours earlier, I should be either celebrating or furiously scribbling away the last double-spaced, footnoted pages of my degree. However, like the aspiring journalist I so crave to be defined as, instead I sat down in front of BBC One’s See You …
Lark On My Go-Kart
I’m starting to see the upside of having a car and living a paltry 35 miles away from University. I enjoy many simple trips to the local Marks & Spencer to buy….microwaveable puddings. Hop in and go to Staines for the cinema! Anything beats the Summer Term sparsity of people on campus. I thought it was bad in September, but …
After Hours
Not content with the stereotypical notion of a party-hard Spring Break, here in England, United Kingdom I spent most of my Easter Holiday going to the theatre and playing Nintendo. Wow, I wish there was a cooler way to say that. Of course, I went out with some friends at least twice and sat around all day eating in my …
And Then There Were None
Sitting alone in the flat at the end of term, the time has just flown by. Almost a year of university, gone in what feels like half the time. And that’s sort of true. The academic year timetable passes quicker than the calendar one. Is that good or bad? Sitting alone in the flat seems to be a habit of …
Feel The Pressure
On the eve of my nineteenth birthday, I fear of people’s perception of me. How quintessentially adolescent. I told you I’ve been horrendously busy, so a quick recap? I got a few poorly-written essays back, with poor marks. I went to Societies’ Ball. I didn’t win either of the two awards I was nominated for. I didn’t have a very …
One Million Billionth Of A Millisecond On A Sunday Morning
I don’t know where to begin. “I’ve had better”. That’s a phrase I’ve uttered numerous times since I’ve been back at university. In case anyone thinks I was being my usual coy (read: cryptically, annoyingly-closed) self, it’s because my dad spent most of the winter break in hospital. I think I was entitled to be a small misery guts, mmkay? …
Unexpected Places
Well, that was certainly one of the most odd evenings I’ve had. And a rollercoaster of emotion. Before I begin, what’s happened recently? I received my NUJ press pass in the post (yay!) but ended up not being allocated tickets for the Guardian Student Media Conference (boo!). Last night, I went to see Wintersleep support Dan Le Sac vs. Scroobius …
Homesick at Space Camp
Sorry. I’ve slipped even further behind on updating. But this time, I have an excuse, because I was actually doing things. I went to Cyprus, which was fine. Relaxing, reading my pre-University reading list, sun, sea, sand… I went to see underOATH at The Astoria, but really went for the support band, Envy on the Coast, who I met after …
Storm and Stress
I sincerely hope you’re all up-to-date with my Summer so far. I don’t need to tell you how it went by using clichés like “life-changing”, but I’ve certainly returned with a different perspective. Not necessarily a good one, mind. Nevertheless, I’m glad I went. Enough. Other news? My camera had a black mark on the sensor, spoiling some of my …
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