I’m officially no longer a fresher. You might have noticed I’ve itched for this moment since I got to university, but I reluctantly reset the keycard to my room at Royal Holloway. If anyone’s living in Tuke F-3A-05 in future, and you happen to stumble across this post, look underneath the desk next to the bed, and you should see …
One Week Of Danger
The following takes place between May 26th and June 1st. Events occur in real-time. 26/5 [1334] I’ve filled up the car, I’ve been food shopping and I’ve had my hair butchered. Time to drive back to RHUL. 26/5 [1546] I went straight to the office. I’m currently begging the printers to not charge me. This is simple, seeing as I …
From the inevitable unfounded panicking about my exams to the ‘pens down’ of my final paper, that’s another academic milestone passed. My first year of university. Nearly. My first set of university exams. Tick. Now, I have no idea whether or not I’ve passed or failed, or even attained enough to make it onto my beloved Shakespeare course next year …
Lark On My Go-Kart
I’m starting to see the upside of having a car and living a paltry 35 miles away from University. I enjoy many simple trips to the local Marks & Spencer to buy….microwaveable puddings. Hop in and go to Staines for the cinema! Anything beats the Summer Term sparsity of people on campus. I thought it was bad in September, but …
And Then There Were None
Sitting alone in the flat at the end of term, the time has just flown by. Almost a year of university, gone in what feels like half the time. And that’s sort of true. The academic year timetable passes quicker than the calendar one. Is that good or bad? Sitting alone in the flat seems to be a habit of …
Feel The Pressure
On the eve of my nineteenth birthday, I fear of people’s perception of me. How quintessentially adolescent. I told you I’ve been horrendously busy, so a quick recap? I got a few poorly-written essays back, with poor marks. I went to Societies’ Ball. I didn’t win either of the two awards I was nominated for. I didn’t have a very …
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